Come join us.......
You know how your toes tap when you hear the song "Rockin' Robin"... well, we hope you will come to our next meeting Saturday, February 11th for a rockin' "Round Robin" quilting good time.What does that mean? GMQG will be rockin' with a Round Robin of not one, not two, but three demo tables where you will be able to go and learn about a distinct machine quilting technique. Our three feature techniques are going to be: Machine quilting with rulers, Free motion quilting and Spiral quilting.
See what I's going to be a quilting good time! All you need to bring is YOU.
NOTE: If you arrive and the parking lot is FULL remember there is extra parking next door (to the left of the shop if facing it). Our goal is to leave the parking spots directly in front and nearby Bernina doors available to their customers.
- Bring your Show & Shares, Philanthropy and/or Modern Skill Builder -Block of the Month
- Members- we will be voting on a By-Law Amendment Proposal that includes Nominations, Executive Board & Committee Formation
- Do not forget to make your reservation for April's Retreat the 7th thru 9th at Wildacres Retreat Conference Center. The detail information is on the website or see Sandy Helsel at our meeting.
- Also, note on your calendar our meeting date change for April. It is going to be the 3rd Saturday, April 15th - same time and place. The change is to accommodate the April Retreat the prior weekend.
- Save the Dates for our upcoming GMQG Workshop with Michelle Wilkie taking place at Bernina Sewing Center on Friday evening, May 12th and Saturday, May 13th from 10am-4pm.
You do not want to miss....we look forward to seeing each of you next Saturday from 1:00pm - 3:00pm at:
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