Quilt show wisdom from our guest:
Quilt Judge
Irene Grimes
This past Saturday, September 9th, GMQG had opportunity to welcome a special guest from North Carolina, Ms. Irene Grimes whose presentation was on "Quilt Show Wisdom" from a Quilt Judge point of view. I think we can all agree, her message was both insightful and inspirational along with good practical advice.
Irene is an award-winning quilter and paper piecing pattern designer. Her patterns can be found on her website at Patchwork & Pastry. In addition to her love of quilting, Irene is pursuing her certification with the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ). It is her expertise as a quilt judge that our discussion focused on this past Saturday.
In her presentation, she provided fuel for thought when entering a quilt show as well as the judge's perspective when judging an individual quilt entry in a show. I liked how she started:
- Do not be intimidated -- Enter your quilt in a show
- You gain invaluable critique that can be both positive and negative (judges comments can be productive and constructive for improvement in technique)
- Select the best category for your quilt entry
- In each show, the categories vary so important to find the best category fit for your entry: is it modern, traditional, improvisational, etc.
- The wrong category can mean not winning
- If possible, learn who will be judging the show
- Knowing their expertise will provide understanding to comments on your quilt entry
- What is important to them in judging a piece? is it the fabric color, creativity, the binding being the same width on both sides or can the front be narrower and back wider etc.
- Analyze what is your motivation for entering a quilt show:
- Enjoyment
- Publicity
- Income
- And, have thick-skin
Of course, Irene has adapted her own process of judging a quilt. Here are a few of her checklist items:
- First impressions:
- Does the quilt hold her attention for 3 seconds or longer - striking composition
- Fabric and color combinations
- Is it well thought out
- Is it original design (or from a kit)
- Technique:
- Reviewing the quilt binding - Feeling the entire perimeter of the quilt to see if the fold is to the edge
- Scanning the surface of the quilt for the fabric piecing -
- Are the corners squared, no points cut off, straight edges or wobbly edges
- Overall sewing techniques
- Quilting -
- Was it hand or machine quilted
- If long-arm used, was it hand-guided or computerized
- Title of the Quilt entry - and in some cases the written overview about the quilt piece
As she concluded, Irene showed us several of her quilts, pinpointing on some, "what not to do" and the reasons why. And, for those who brought quilts, it was interesting to hear Irene's comments with her judge's hat on.
Overall, I think Irene's presentation addressed to each of us, that the art and science of quiltmaking is still very present.
We hope you will come again, Irene. Thank you.
Congratulations Cheryl Brickey and Paige Alexander on their new book Modern Plus Sign Quilts.
It's coming March 2018. You can pre-order on Amazon or purchase from Bernina Sewing Center when it arrives.
It is a tremendous feat....so kudos to them both. And, as Leslie White mentioned, there will be a book signing at Bernina Sewing Center.... so stay tuned!!!!
Congratulations to Valorie Kasten who has a quilt on tour with Hoffman Fabrics 2017 Traveling Show. Impressive!!!
And, Carol Alperin, has a quilt accepted into the September MQX Quilt Festival in Springfield, IL. We wish you the BEST!
- We had a great group in attendance Saturday. Nancy deJong reported we had a total of 35 consisting of 30 members, 2 new members and 3 guests (welcome!). In addition, Paige Alexander updated us on the GMQG financials.
- Cindy Lammon provided several organizations to us where we can donate a quilt for the Harvey Hurricane victims. Here are their respective URL's to learn about their quilt drives: The Quilt Haus , Art Gallery Fabrics and The Linus Connection
- Cindy Lammon, Paige Alexander and Nancy deJong are our nominating committee for this year's Board election. According to our Bylaws, they will report the new slate of officers at the October 14th meeting. Then, as a group, we will vote in November.
- Sandy Helsel will be attending the Houston International Quilt Festival in November. Please contact her if you would like to find a quilt item.
- Cindy's October Sew-In Day is upcoming on Friday, October 20th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Bernina Sewing Center. It is a relaxed, informal sewing time with lots of opportunity to visit. You come can choose to bring your lunch or order with the group. For those attending, Cindy asks that you purchase a 1/2 yd of fabric at Bernina to contribute to the grand drawing where one lucky person wins it all!!!
Upcoming Quilt Shows & Events:
- Western North Carolina Quilters Guild is hosting Pepper Cory for a lecture/workshop on "the Art of Real Scrap Quilting" September 21-22. The cost is $35. Contact Sarah Bookspan for more information.
- Aunt Het Quilt Show, October 7-8, 2017 hosted by Nimble Thimble Quilt Guild.
- Asheville Quilt Guild has their 35th Quilt Show coming up September 29th - October 1st.
- Quilts on Parade Quilt Show, November 3rd & 4th, 2017 hosted by Upcountry Quilters Guild.
- Cobblestone Quilt Guild is hosting a workshop for "Introduction to Quilt Judging". It will by taught by certified judges Lorraine Covington & Kate Eelkema of the National Association of Certified Quilt Judging on November 10th and 11th.
- Save the Date: NC Quilt Symposium 2018 is going to be held at University of North Carolina - Asheville May 31, June 1-3.
- MQG items to note:
- Quilt entries and registration are now open for QuiltCon 2018 coming up February 22-25th.
- Two QuiltCon 2018 Challenges this year are both due by November 30, 2017:
- Michael Miller - Our Yard Fabric Challenge, and
- American Patchwork & Quilting Flying Geese
- Mini Swap - Sign up begins September 20th. due in Feb 2018
- "Fresh Quilting", the MQG show is airing on our local PBS channel on Fridays at 6 am and noon
Modern Skill Builder - Block of the Month (BOM):
GREAT job GMQG.....you delivered abundantly with the August Block of the Month --Improv Stripes. Does this not look like a table of "Possibilities". Thank you to all who contributed this month.
Block name: Improv Stripes Block
Designer: Debbie of A Quilter's Table
Block size: no defined size, any width and height
September Block of the Month
This month Cheryl Brickey has selected a pattern with Half Square Triangles (HST) to challenge us. Below are the information, video link and pattern notes to get you started:
Block name: Aztec Block + Instruction overview video
Fabrics/Colors: Dark blue and Yellow
Pattern Notes:
Designer: Art Gallery Fabrics
Block size: 15 1/2" x 18 1/2"
Skills this block builds: Interesting technique for HSTs
Block size: 15 1/2" x 18 1/2"
Skills this block builds: Interesting technique for HSTs

Fabrics/Colors: Dark blue and Yellow
Pattern Notes:
This pattern contains an error. Please read through these edits for a successful block.
- When making the HST, draw the diagonal line on the yellow 10" sq and press seams towards the blue fabric.
- When cutting the HST in half then half again, your cut lines will be at 4 3/4" and then 2 3/8".
- Do NOT cut all 4 of your HST according to Diagram 3. Follow the following cutting diagram attached.
As Cindy and Faye mentioned, we have seen over these past few weeks, the storm devastation in Texas and Florida. So, the call out this month is to send quilts to the organizations listed in the announcements above who are collecting quilts for these areas.
And did you count, we had seven (7) quilts for the GHS and Julie Valentine Center this month. You can see them in the Show & Share below. They are literally a visual delight. We know they were sewn with a lot of love and given with hope of great blessing.
Show & Share
Elise Dunbar- challenging her skills with March BOM. They look great! We will stay tuned to see more. |
Bonnie Cunningham - bringing in the Fall season with a beautiful maple leaf table runner |
Darleen Sanford- Wonky improv log cabin quilt for Charity |
Sandy Helsel- she appropriately named her quilt "Emerging Roads" |
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Didi Salvatierra - tranformed GMQG August's BOM (right) into a beautiful quilt for Charity (left) |
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Dagmar Theodore- brought to life an Elizabeth Hartman pattern named "Dogs in Sweaters" |
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Susan Rink - had 3 children quilts that were in the "just about done" phase- now completed she is donating all to Charity |
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Carol Alperin- (Left) Flannel quilt for Charity and (Right) Kimberly Einmo star pattern |
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Nancy deJong-(Left) her batik quilt for sister (Center) A++ on her Schlep Bag & (Right) her Meadow Mist Mystery Quilt |
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(Left): Faye Jones and her sister, Cindy Clifton, completed quilt for a wedding gift (Right) Faye's Boho Baby Quilt |
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Faye Jones - Is it a quilt or work of art? Faye named it "the Gossips" |
Cindy Lammon: Charity quilt using a pattern from Cluck Cluck Sew called Strip'n Flip |
Come join us for October's Round Robin Piecing Extravaganza where you will see actual demonstrations of "accurate" quarter inch piecing, paper piecing and more. We hope you will Save-the-Date for Saturday, October 14th from 1pm - 3pm at:
2310 East North Street, Suite A
Greenville, SC 29607
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