Honing Our Piecing Skills
that is
Improv Piecing, Paper Piecing and Accurate 1/4 inch Piecing
Fabric in its various forms comes together by "piecing" to create the final design or visual look of a quilt before it is quilted. And, this past Saturday, we had three talented GMQG members demonstrate a piecing technique in which they have honed their skills. In 15 minute intervals, we each had opportunity to rotate and have a mini lesson and for many of us, opportunity to pick up a few tricks, shortcuts or proven techniques. Thank you Valorie Kasten, Cindy Lammon and Johnnie McKenzie for sharing your expertise with us. Below are recaps from each of their respective demonstrations:
Improv Piecing with Valorie Kasten:
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Valorie sewed her strip pieces, cut strips apart by anglinig her ruler, then rearranged pieces to create an improv design. Her trick or recommendation is to take a photo when you like your improv design to refer to in the sewing process. Valorie's finished quilt utilizing improv piecing. Click here for Valorie's tutorial from this demonstration. |
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Cindy's shortcut for successful paper piecing is using wax freezer paper for her paper piece pattern. She irons the waxy (glossy) side down to adhere pattern to fabric. When done the wax paper peels right off fabric. Last is her quilt using this paper piecing technique. Click here to see Cindy's tutorial notes for Freezer Paper Piecing |
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Johnnie described frustrations we all face in piecing. We can sew two exact same fabric pieces together but when finished the blocks are different sizes. Why is that? Johnnie provided many insights and proven techniques for overcoming these sewing dilemmas such as iron the pieces the exact same, use an 80 weight thread, for better consistency and visibility use moleskin to mark 1/4 line on machine. Click here to see Johnnie's recommended tutorials for Accurate piecing. |
Congratulations to our fellow GMQG Quilters who participated in recent quilt shows and won awards. We applaud you!!!!
- Asheville Quilt Show:
- Lynne Harrill, Valorie Kasten, Faye Jones, Paige Alexander and Didi Salvatierra
- Aunt Het Show:
- Cheryl Brickey, Nicole McClelland, Dagmar Theodore and Sue Bready
Good News:
GMQG now has a library!!!!
Paige Alexander entered our group in a contest drawing announced by Susan Woods, Editor at Lucky Spool Media to win several of their publish books. And, we are the winning recipients. Many thanks to Susan and Lucky Spool Media.
(Left to right): Carol Alperin and Dana Blasi checking out the wonderful selection of Lucky Spool Media books |
- It was wonderful to see the many new faces this past Saturday. Sandy Helsel reported we had 8 guests in attendance. We appreciate you coming and joining in with us. We had a total of 36 present.
- Thank you Paige Alexander for the quarterly financial update. She also announced our MQG dues for 2018 will remain the same at $35.00. She will be receiving your renewal dues and/or if you would like to become a new member next month either by CASH or CHECK.
- Cindy's October Sew-In Day is Friday, October 20th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Bernina Sewing Center. It is a relaxed, informal sewing time with lots of opportunity to visit. You can choose to bring your lunch or order with the group. For those attending, Cindy asks that you purchase a 1/2 yd of fabric at Bernina to contribute to the grand drawing where one lucky person wins it all!!
- Save the date: NOV. 11th our very own, Michele Blake will be our program guest speaker and workshop host. Reminder note: Our meeting will begin at 12pm which will include our Guild Business, Show & Share and Michele's bag making tips. Then following, for those that signed up, Michele will be teaching a Zipper Bag Workshop. If you are interested in the workshop, contact Cindy at cindy@hyacinthquiltdesigns.com *Note: For those attending the workshop, please click here for Michele's supply list.
- Also, Nov. 11th, we will be voting on our new GMQG Board for 2018. Cindy Lammon reported our nominees will be:
- President - Susan Rink
- Vice President - Valorie Kasten
- Treasurer - Paige Alexander
- Secretary - Cindy Lammon
- Membership - Nancy deJong
Upcoming Quilt Shows & Events:
- Nov. 3 & 4 "The Stitches That Bind Us" Quilt Show presented by the UpCountry Quilters Guild. This year the show will be at Pickens View Wesleyan Church, 744 Bethlehem Ridge Rd., Pickens, SC 29671. Admission is $5
- Cobblestone Quilt Guild is hosting a workshop for "Introduction to Quilt Judging". It will by taught by certified judges Lorraine Covington & Kate Eelkema of the National Association of Certified Quilt Judging on November 10th and 11th.
- Save the Date: NC Quilt Symposium 2018 is going to be held at University of North Carolina - Asheville May 31, June 1-3.
- MQG items to note:
- Quilt entries and registration are now open for QuiltCon 2018 coming up February 22-25th.
- Two QuiltCon 2018 Challenges this year are both due by November 30, 2017:
- Michael Miller - Our Yard Fabric Challenge, and
- American Patchwork & Quilting Flying Geese
- Mini Swap - Sign up begins September 20th. due in Feb 2018
- "Fresh Quilting", the MQG show is airing on our local PBS channel on Fridays at 6 am and noon.
Modern Skill Builder - Block of the Month (BOM):
Results of September's Block name: Aztec Block + Instruction overview video

Designer: Art Gallery Fabrics
Look at the blocks that were submitted:
October Block of the Month:
This month we will be supporting the Las Vegas MQG in their efforts to provide quilts to the victims and first responders involved recently in the concert mass shooting.
Both Cindy and Faye have come up with a plan and need our quick participation in contributing quilt squares by Sew-in Day, this Friday, October 20th at Bernina Sewing Center. Cindy will be quilting the piece and Faye will sew binding.
Can we do it? From what our group has proven from past "special project" quilts, "YES, WE CAN"
Both Cindy and Faye provided us with a visual sample board of blocks they have already prepared for us to follow:
Here is the information you will need for making your blocks:
- Block pattern @ Cluck, Cluck Sew: Grayscale Quilt Block Tutorial
- Finished block size: 10.5"
- Note: Press seams toward the color fabric
- Also, if you would like to donate the backing or batting for the quilt please contact Cindy by email at cindy@hyacinthquiltdesigns.com
The finished blocks can be mailed to Cindy Lammon (contact her cindy@hyacinthquiltdesigns.com ) or dropped off at Bernina on or before Friday's Sew-in Day, October 20th. Thanks.
Did you count.....We had nine (9) quilts donated this month for the Julie Valentine Center. Just AMAZING!!! Your ministry may not be evidenced directly, but if the response from our group in seeing your quilt, this past Saturday, is any indication, you can know a young heart will be blessed.
Faye was so elated and wanted to convey her heartfelt thanks to each of you.
Show & Share:
I would describe this months Show & Share in one word: "Dazzle". Dazzle because as you will see below each quilt "delighted the eyes" with creativity and color.
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Susan Sinclair - "Singularity" a Jean Nevitt MQG Quilt of the Month |
Sandy Helsel - The little train that could.....applique train quilt for charity |
Sue Bready- creative quilt with scrap pieces for charity |
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Susan Rink - two rounded cornered, colorful children's quilts for charity |
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Didi Salvatierra - (left) Patriotic flair quilt using a tutorial from Cindy Lammon (right) her vibrant "improv" wall hanging |
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Carol Alperin- quilted two quilts for clients (left) Tula pink fabric (right) Scott Murkin quilt pattern |
Johnnie McKenzie - her interpretation of pattern "This Way" Secondary Design by Judi Madsen |
Dana Blasi - is with photo only- because her "ornament with cat paw" quilt sold to a proud recipient whose has just that cat |
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Valorie Kasten - two charity quilts (left) Three Bluebirds quilt (right) effectively combining batik and patterned fabric |
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Valorie Kasten - Her quilt from a Denise Schmidt's class at QuiltCon 2017 called "Veronica's Paper Airplanes" |
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Faye Jones - two charity quilts designed by her (left) was made with September Block of the Months (right) Paper Doll quilt |
Faye Jones - "Tangle" inspired by Sherri Lynn Woods Modern Improv Handbook Techniques |
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Cindy Lammon - (left) Charity quilt using plus block on point and (right) Backpack bag for daughter from Noodlehead |
As the holidays near, take time, in October to be inspired at one of many local art shows or outdoors enjoying the fall foliage. We look forward to meeting up again either at Sew-In this Friday, October 20th or next month November 11th at:
2310 East North Street, Suite A
Greenville, SC 29607