Many thanks to our demo leaders, Cindy Lammon, Michele Blake and Nicole McCelland! We are so lucky to have such talented members who are willing to share their knowledge with us. Our demos included English Paper Piecing, making bag handles and the 6-Minute Circle. We all left having learned some new sewing skills!
You can find more information here:
Pieced Curves So Simple by Dale Fleming
HGTV - How to Create Easy Circle Quilt Blocks
Schmetz Needles
Pellon Interfacing
- We welcomed 33 members, 8 guests and 2 new members to our meeting!
Shop News
- Shop Hop starts Friday, July 20, 2018. See below for the beautiful quilt that Leslie made using this year's Shop Hop blocks.
- A Landscape Quilt Class is scheduled for August.
- In September, the shop will be hosting a 3-day One Block Wonder retreat.
- Last month, our guild presented Leslie, the owner of Bernina, with a quilt as a thank you for making the space available for our meetings. We received this lovely note this month:
Quilters of South Carolina
- Lynn Parker shared information about the Quilters of SC organization. Dues are $20 annually.
- Visit the website for more information on many of the fun activities that the group sponsors: Spring Meeting with a national speaker, Annual Fall Retreat (registration for this year's retreat begins July 15, 2018), a Quilting Expo in Columbia July 20-21, 2018 and an annual challenge.
Block of the Month
- This month we'll be making the July Giant Block from Kitchen Table Quilting in the 24" size. Follow the link for the pattern. You will need to "purchase" the pattern (put it in your cart and check out), but it is free.
- Please use warm colors with a light colored background.
- Need some help with half and/or quarter-square triangles? Here's link with a tutorial for both: How to Sew Perfect Triangles
- Look at all the wonderful Polaroid blocks that were turned in this month!
- Our generous members also donated 7 new quilts for our charity program!
Upcoming Events
- We'll have a scissor sharpener at our August 11, 2018 meeting. Sharpening will start at noon and cost $15 per scissors, straight and pinking. Cash/check/credit card payments are accepted.
- Our next Sew-In is Friday, August 24, 2018 from 2 - 10 p.m. at the Bernina Store.
- QuiltCon is Feb. 21-24, 2019 in Nashville. Registration is now open and as a member of the GMQG your admission is free if you register soon.
- The MQG has announced the challenges for QuiltCon 2019.
- Sacred Threads is a traveling exhibit, featuring "Quilts exploring life's journeys: Joy, Inspiration, Spirituality, Healing, Grief, Peace/Brotherhood", and will be on display in Hayesville, NC, July 15-19, 2018.
- The Asheville Quilt Show is Sept. 28-30, 2018 at the Asheville Ag Center.
South Carolina Swap
- Find all the details about the swap on our website here.
MQG Charity Challenge
- Elise Dunbar and Cindy Lammon are organizing the charity quilt for QuiltCon 2019.
- The theme is "small piecing" (e.g., less than 1") and we will be making an Improv quilt inspired by a child's playmat and a map of Greenville. See some inspiration pictures on our Pinterest Board.
- The guild will be purchasing the fabric and two Sew-In days are planned in September to piece the blocks for the quilt.
- Mark your calendars for September 7 and 8, 2018 from 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Bernina store. Bring your sewing machine; everything else will be provided. We hope to have as many members participate as possible! The sewing is easy and we'll provide directions for both the Improv and block piecing.
- If you're unable to join us on these special Sew-In days, we'll have the almost finished quilt available at our later meetings and you can participate by adding some hand quilting.
Upcoming Meetings
- August 11, 2018 - Guild Challenge with judges from the Palmetto Guild. You'll find the rules for the challenge on our website here.
- September 8, 2018 - Cheryl Brickey will present "Quilt As Desired"
- October 12, 2018 - 6:30 pm Yvonne Fuchs will present "Transparency Quilts"
- October 13, 2018 - 10 am - 4:30 pm Yvonne Fuchs Workshop - "Transparency Quilts" (the workshop is currently full, contact Cindy at to be added to a Wait List)
Show and Share
Ruth - Charity quilt on left |
Ruth - Quick Curve Ruler Project |
Dagmar Theodore - Plus Sign quilt |
Sheryl Sane - scrappy boy quilt |
Denise Frick - Improv |
Mary Ann Rosenberg - made from her dad's shirts |
Johnnie McKenzie - pillows |
Johnnie McKenzie - Maple Leaf quilt |
Tonya Maxwel - pattern is "Craftsmen" |
Didi Salvatierra - Charity quilts |
Faye Jones - Charity quilt |
Faye Jones - Tulip quilts |
Dana Blasi - pillows |
Sandy Helsel - Charity quilt and bag |
Linda Cassel - Bicycle quilt |
Jackie Callis - I Spy quilt inspired by children's book |
Nancy deJong - Charity quilt |
Valorie Kasten - Charity quilt |
Leslie White - Shop Hop quilt |
Hope to see you at our next meeting, Saturday, August 11, 2018 from 1-3 p.m. at:
2310 East North Street, Suite A
Greenville, SC 29607