Our Annual Challenge
What a wonderful display of quilts we enjoyed this month! Our members were challenged to choose a traditional block whose name begins with one of the letters from their own name. We then had to make a small quilt in a modern style.
Many thanks to Nicole McLaughlin and Jill Allawos from the Palmetto MQG in Columbia, SC, who served as judges for our challenge. Also, thank you to Valorie Kasten who made the winners' ribbons.
1st Place: Cynthia Steward
Churndash |
2nd Place: Johnnie McKenzie
Feathered Star |
3rd Place: Sheryl Sane
Star Pinwheel |
Jill's Judge's Choice: Travis Seward
Tree of Life |
Nicole's Judges Choice and Viewer's Choice: Cheryl Brickey
Beggar's Block |
Marcia Given:
Meandering Geese |
Valorie Kasten:
Victory Block and Cartwheel |
Nancy deJong:
Double Pinwheel |
Dagmar Theodore:
Dutchman's Puzzle |
Leslie White:
Log Cabin |
Faye Jones:
Fancy Flowers |
Sandy Helsel:
Shepard's Puzzle |
Cindy Lammon:
Crown of Thorns |
Christina Strickland:
Crosses and Losses and Sailboat |
- In addition to our 2 guest judges from Columbia, we had 41 members and 3 visitors in attendance at this month's meeting.
- We kept Robert Whitehead, the scissor sharpener, busy and many of our attendees went home with sharper scissors!
Shop News
- The shop is offering a Landscape Quilt Class and a 3-day One Block Wonder Retreat.
- New solids and Tula Pink fabrics are coming soon.
- Bernina is offering 25% off any machine with a trade-in machine during the month of August. The shop is also offering 0% financing.
Block of the Month
- This month's block is an 8" paper pieced Swirling Star. You'll find the free pattern from Wombat Quilts and the paper piecing pattern here (note: pattern does not include the 1/4" seam allowance). Please use cool colors with light background colors.
Future Meeting Location
- Susan announced that the Board has decided to initiate a search for a new location for our meetings due to our continued growth.
- A new meeting space would need to be centrally located (close to where we currently meet), have plenty of space and light, have sufficient parking and be within our budget as far as cost.
- Nancy deJong will chair a search committee, joined by Rita Sassone, Pat Davies, and Faye Jones. They will research, visit potential locations and report back to the board.
- Please contact anyone on the committee if you're aware of a space that will work for our needs.
2019 Dues
- The Board has proposed a dues increase for 2019 from $35 to $50 for the following reasons:
- The Modern Quilt Guild has announced a 20% increase in dues next year. At our current membership level our dues will increase from $1020 to $1380 or from $10.75/member to $17.25/member.
- Our guild has decided to purchase Liability Insurance.
- Potential cost of rent for a new location.
- The increased cost of outside speakers and the possibility of hosting 2 workshops in 2019.
- We would like to continue limiting fund raising activities to our December Chinese Auction.
- Per our Bylaws, we will vote on the increase at our September meeting. Members will have an opportunity to ask questions about the proposal prior to the vote. The proposal will need approval by a majority of members present to pass.
Name Tag Challenge
- We'd love to see our members wearing name tags! To facilitate this, we're asking you to make a new name tag using modern design that includes your first name for the September Meeting.
- No judging, but all participants will be eligible for a drawing for prizes.
2019 Board of Directors
- Susan Rink, Sandy Helsel and Dagmar Theodore have volunteered to be on the Nominating Committee.
- Please contact one of them if you are interested in serving on the Board next year.
Upcoming meetings and Events
- Sew-In is August 24, 2018 at the Bernina Store from 2 pm until 10 pm. Bring whatever you'd like to work on. Admission is one half yard of fabric, purchased at the shop, which is used as a door prize for attendees.
- The MQG Charity Challenge Sew-Ins are Sept. 7, 1-3:30 pm and Sept. 8, 10 am - 12:30 pm at the Bernina Store. Bring your sewing machine, neutral thread, cutting mat and cutter. Fabrics and patterns will be supplied.
- September 8, 2018 - Cheryl Brickey will present "Quilt As Desired".
- October 12 was 13 - Lecture and Workshop with Yvonne Fuchs. Find the details here.
Additional Announcements
- Johnnie McKenzie will be offering free Beginner Classes in her home in Five Forks starting mid- September. Classes will be customized to your current skills and goals. Contact Johnnie at johnniemckenzie@att.net for further information.
- The Charleston MQG is hosting Victoria Findley Wolfe On Friday, October 12, 2018 at 7 pm. More information can be found at: Charleston Modern Quilt Guild.
- The Upcountry Quilt Guild, in Pickens, is hosting Patsy Thompson for her class, Intro to Ruler Work for the Sit Down Quilter, on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 from 9-4. Fee is $50. Contact Carol Clanton cwcstudios@hotmail.com to sign-up.
Show and Share
Cindy Lammon - Charity Quilts |
Cindy Lammon - Intertwined from Modern Plus Sign Quilts |
Christopher Brickey - Charity Quilt |
Cheryl Brickey |
Valorie Kasten - Charity Quilt |
Darlene Morse - Nimble Thimble's Raffle Quilt |
Debbie Graves - new book from Victoria Findley Wolfe |
Cynthia Stewart |
Faye Jones - right - Charity Quilt made from blocks by Johnnie McKenzie |
Michele Blake - Charity Quilts from BOMs on left and blocks from Johnnie McKenzie on right |
Carol Alperin - Charity Quilt |
Carol Alperin - 2 One Block Wonder Quilts |
Paige Alexander - Mini published in "Curated Quilts", bag made by Michele Blake, Mini from Modern Plus Sign Quilts |
Paige Alexander - July Quilt of the Month for MQG |
Tonya Maxwell - Charley Harper pillow |
Tonya Maxwell - Charley Harper quilt, front and back |
Nancy deJong -Twin boy baby quilts |
Nancy deJong |
As you can see,
The Modern Quilt Guild is growing, and our guild is also growing! Although it requires us to look at changes for the future, it does mean more inspiration, excitement and opportunities to develop as Modern Quilters!
Hope you can join us next month, Saturday, September 8, 2018, from 1-3 pm at:
2310 East North Street, Suite A
Greenville, SC 29607