Our special guest this month was local quilter, Tom Chalmers. We were awed and inspired by the trunk show of quilts resulting from his nearly 40 years of quilt making.
His earliest quilt was machine quilted, but all of the others featured beautiful hand quilting. Recycled materials, bold stripes and rich colors were also found in many of his creations.
Tom's work is inspired by Amish Quilting, Gee's Bend Quilters and the following artists and quilters: Nancy Crow, Michael James, Yvonne Porcella, Meiny Vermaas-van der Heide, Tim Harding (paintings of David Hockney), Kaffe Fassett/Liza Prior Lucy, Liz Axeford, Wolf Kahn, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollack, Rick Horton, Josef and Anna Albers, Yaacov Agam and Robert Motherwell.
- We welcomed 47 members, 2 new members and 2 guests this month.
2020 GMQG Dues
- The Board approved a proposal to maintain the dues at $50 for 2020, which was also approved by the membership at the September meeting.
- We will start collecting 2020 dues at the November meeting. According to our Bylaws, dues must be paid by January 31st to continue membership in the guild. Remember your GMQG dues also include your membership in The Modern Quilt Guild.
Sew In Day
- Our next Sew In Day is Friday, September 13th from 10-4 at Bernina, We're In Stitches. Spend some uninterrupted sewing time with friends! We ask you to purchase a half yard of fabric to be raffled off to one lucky participant.
- The last Sew In Day for 2019 is Friday, November 8th.
Block of the Month
GCCA Modern Quilt Exhibit
- The Greenville Center for Creative Arts will be hosting a modern quilt exhibit in their gallery in June 2020. Six of our members will have quilts in the exhibit along with six modern quilters from outside the Greenville area. Stay tuned for more details!
2020 Workshops
- The guild is planning to host Debbie Grifka for a lecture and classes next year! We'll have more information once the details are finalized.
Holiday Luncheon
- Plans are currently underway for our annual holiday luncheon and auction on December 7th. We are looking for holiday centerpieces or decor for the tables. Contact us at greenvillemqg@gmail.com if you can help.
- Our lottery auction is our only fundraiser and we welcome your donations! We appreciate new or slightly used, quality items such as books, patterns, fabric, art, etc. that a quilter might love to win.
2019 QuiltCon Charity Quilt
- Our quilt, "Zoomville" will be hanging at the Asheville Quilt Show on September 27-29. Be sure to check it out if you're visiting the show!
- On October 5th it will be auctioned at the Synnex Share the Magic Auction.
- We collected 10 quilts for our Quilts for Kids Program at out September meeting!
- Mancuso Quilt Shows is bringing Quiltfest to Greenville, April 30 - May 2, 2020!
- Our guild will be participating with an exhibit in the show. Susan Rink has volunteered to organize a committee to plan the exhibit.
Photo Shoot Field Trip
- Would you like to get a photo of your quilt in downtown Greenville? If so, we are planning on meeting at the Wyche Pavilion (behind the Peace Center) on September 9th, from 5:30-7:30 pm. Contact Elise Dunbar if you're interested. She will be there at 5:30, but won't stay later than 6 if no one shows or gets in touch with her.
- We'd love to plan this quarterly if there's interest. Contact Elise or the guild at greenvillemqg@gmail.com.
Kitty Wilkin Workshop
- Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild will be hosting Kitty Wilkin in October. See our Events Page for more details.
October Meeting
- Paige Alexander will be presenting a workshop on Machine Appliqué, October 5th, prior to our regular meeting for those who have registered.
- Our October program will be "Machine Appliqué in Modern Quilting" presented by Paige Alexander and Travis Seward.
Show and Share
Cindy Lammon |
Elise Dunbar |
Nicole McClelland quilt won in charity auction, made by Cindy Lammon |
Nancy deJong |
Jill Erickson |
Jill Erickson |
Michele Blake |
Michele Blake |
Darlene Morse |
Faye Jones |
Faye Jones |
Susan Rink |
Susan Rink |
Madeline Faner |
Joyce Beyer |
Paige Alexander (no picture - also had a quilt in "Curated Quilts") |
Cindy Lange |
Cindy Lange |
Johellen George |
Jackie Callis |
Ruth Freyer |
Valorie Kasten |
Dagmar Theodore |
Our next meeting will be
Saturday, October 5, 2019 from
1-3 pm at
St. Giles Church, 1021 Hudson Rd., Greenville, SC.
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