Monday, November 23, 2020
Quilt Quark Gallery - Johnnie McKenzie
Friday, November 20, 2020
November 7, 2020, Meeting Highlights
Thanks to the Modern Quilt Guild for allowing us to use their Zoom account for this month’s meeting.
We welcomed 31 members in our Zoom meeting this month. To date we have a total of 80 members.
It’s time to renew your annual membership to Greenville Modern Quilt Guild. For information about the benefits of membership, visit the information page on our website: While the pandemic has made gathering in person a challenge, we are proud that we have continued to gather virtually and adapt as a guild, and that we only missed two meetings this year. In addition to the community and programs that come with your membership to the GMQG, you also have full access to The Modern Quilt Guild resources.
Please send your check made out to the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild for your annual dues in the amount of $50 to Cindy Lange. You will find her address in the GMQG Directory.
Sign up to make an item for the Mystery Holiday Elf Swap! Email Faye Jones at birdie1345<at>AOL<dot>com to register for the swap, briefly identifying your preference for a religious, secular (e.g., HO HO HO, reindeer, ornamental things), traditional or modern item so that you can get something you will want and can use. Faye will make the Elf assignments, then let you know who your recipient will be. There are no parameters or rules for the items you wish to make. For hints as to what your assignee likes, you may want to look at past work they’ve done in previous meeting minutes on the blog. During the December 5th Zoom meeting, you will show your piece, talk about it a little, and then reveal for whom the object was made. It will be left to you to coordinate your swaps.
The nominees for the 2021 Board and extended positions were voted in unopposed during the November 7th meeting. We are still looking for someone to volunteer to do one or two Blocks of the Month. The 2021 Board of Directors and Committee Chairs are as follows:
Board of Directors:
- President – Brooke Stambersky
- Vice President, Programs – Rita Sassone
- Membership Chair – Jill Erickson
Committee Chairs
- Outside Speaker Coordinator – Dagmar Theodore
- Block of the Month Coordinator – Two of eleven BOMs are covered to date (no BOM in Dec.).
- Facility Coordinator – Marilyn Hagopian
The following members will remain in their current positions:
- Treasurer Cindy Lange
- Co-Secretaries Dana Blasi and Emily Pitman
Committee Chairs:
- Philanthropy Chair - Faye Jones
- Spring Retreat Co-Chair and Sew-In Chair - Sandy Helsel
- Library Chair - Darleen Sanford
- St. Giles Liaison - Nancy deJong
- Holiday Luncheon Fundraiser Chair - Dana Blasi
Many thanks to Cindy Lammon and Paige Alexander for creating this month’s thoroughly comprehensive program on copyright. Both being published, they are uniquely qualified to share the subject of properly using designs created by others. They are not attorneys, but were willing to share their experiences and knowledge including How to Go from Copying to Creating Your Own Work.
Some of the Resources they shared with us:
- Understanding Copyright, Derivatives, and Design Credit in Quilting - the Modern Quilt Guild (“MQG”) website.
- Can You Copyright a Sewing Pattern? – the While She Naps Blog (an attorney and quilter).
- An Explanation of Design Permissions – the American Quilter’s Society (“AQS”) website.
Originals – How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant, a great book containing stories about innovators who came up with different kinds of ideas, which will inspire you to look at things differently;
Steal Like an Artist – 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon. Cindy has had this book for a long time and reads it at least once a year. It’s a fun, quick read that really helps you discover your artistic side, makes you think like an artist, and be more creative; and
Copy to Create – A Roadmap to Finding Your Style Through Inspiration from Others with Kolbie Blume - @thiswritingdesk, a class found on Skillshare dot com. Cindy joined Skillshare and has been taking a lot of fun classes during the pandemic. She really enjoyed this one, which is about art, but the ideas apply to any creative endeavor as to transitioning from copying to creating your own work.
The Gap by Ira Glass at
How to use the Zoom Chat Function (on a PC) during a Zoom meeting: Run your cursor over the open screen. At the bottom of the screen, a ribbon should appear where you will find video and audio controls, and see the word Chat. Click on Chat, and a secondary window will open. Towards the bottom of that window, there is a drop-down window that allows you to send a personal message to one person or a message to everyone. Conversely, if you have received a personal message, there should be an alert to click on at the bottom of the window.
NOVEMBER 2020 BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Alissa Haight Carlton - Cobblestone Block
Cynthia Steward’s November BOM modern influencer is Alissa Haight Carlton. Carlton has a versatile and distinctive creative voice that incorporates many elements of modern quilting in her designs. Key to her style are Bold Graphics and Color, Improvisation, Negative Space, Scale, and frequently, Non-Block Based design. She co-founded The Modern Quilt Guild in 2009 to increase awareness in the quilting community. In 2011 she published Block Party – The Modern Quilting Bee, which chronicled her journey with eleven other modern quilters in a year-long virtual block of the month collaboration. In 2012, her book, Modern Minimal, featured twenty quilts with her bold, graphic designs. She said, “My skills and craftsmanship have grown stronger by doing things over and over and over again.” In other words, with strong desire and hard work, you too can develop your skills and become a good quilter.
Based on Carlton’s 2012 Cobblestones quilt, the BOM is the Cobblestone block. Here is the pdf link for the Cobblestone Block quilt block.
Please post or email photos of your completed BOMs for the Quilt Quark Gallery (“QQG”) to be shared at the following meeting. We love seeing your work!
The next Sew-In is tentatively scheduled for February 2021.
The spring retreat is on hold for the moment and will be revisited in 2021.
Faye has received several more charity quilts and is holding them as the Julie Valentine Center is not seeing many kids onsite at this time. If you have a quilt to donate, you may hold on to it for now or coordinate with Faye to pass it on to her. She thanked the people who have been sharing their work on the QQG beforehand. Questions concerning the program and drop off/pickup may be directed to Faye at
All 2020 workshops are cancelled. If you would like to join in on Cheryl Brickey’s quilt along, go to
The Zoom version of Show and Share took place courtesy of QQG submissions. We saw:
- - Valorie Kasten’s Behind the Fence piece that took First Place in the Hoffman 2019/2020 Challenge in the Piecing category with accompanying super-sized ribbon. Go to hoffmanchallengegallery dot com/ awards-recipients to see her outstanding work.
- - A Woman’s Dream Shower by Joan Manfre for the “Repurposed” Challenge.
- - NYT Tiles by Cindy Lange.
- - Quilt by Didi Salvatierra.
- - Elvira by Dagmar Theodore.
- - Time Templar by Dana Blasi for the “Repurposed” Challenge.
Please go to the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild website to see these and more!
Please email photos of your quilts (including Quilts for Kids), BOMs and other projects to and we will post them to the blog on our Virtual Gallery. We will share them during the following month’s meeting.
The GMQG has a Facebook page for sharing photos, links, and info open solely to GMQG members. No official business will be conducted, since not every member subscribes to FB.
The Modern Quilt Guild website has a plethora of free webinars and patterns available to all its members. For information on its current challenges go to has a myriad of inexpensive classes to take.
If members come across a link they would like to share, they may forward it to Dagmar by email to dagmar_theodore<at>yahoo<dot>com to be shared at the next meeting.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Elf Swap Deadline
The deadline to sign up for the Christmas Elf swap has been extended to 12 PM Friday, Nov 20th. Presently we have only seven people signed up, so please join in and help make our Christmas Zoom meeting a success. This is our program as well as our guild Christmas celebration. Participants will show and discuss their project and then announce the lucky recipient. If you decide to participate or have any questions or concerns, please email me at birdie1345<at>aol<dot>com.
Faye Jones
Program Chairperson
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Quilt Quark Gallery - Dana Browning Blasi
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"Time Templar" by Dana Browning Blasi |
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Close up of Knights Templar Cap Shape |
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Back of "Time Templar" by Dana Browning Blasi |
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Quilt Quark Gallery - Dagmar Theodore
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Gudrun Erla's "Elvira" by Dagmar Theodore |
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Back of "Elvira" |
Friday, November 6, 2020
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Upcoming Meeting - November 7, 1-3 (zoom)
We look forward to seeing you this month on Saturday, October 3, from 1-3 (Zoom access to start early at 12:30 if you want to socialize before the meeting that begins at 1:00).
NOVEMBER MEETING - “How To Copy Right”
In this month’s program, Paige Alexander and Cindy Lammon will present a program on copyright in quilting. When is it okay to copy? What are your responsibilities when copying? How do you move from copying to creating your own unique work? They will share some guidelines and norms in the quilting world along with examples of some real-life copyright situations.
A Few Reminders and Bits of Information
October's Block of the Month was Half-Circle Block inspired by Latifah Saafir . We look forward to seeing your block during our meeting.
Our meetings for the rest of the year will be on Zoom and there will not be any more sew-ins for the rest of the year (but don't let that keep you from visiting your favorite local quilt shops).
Upcoming Elections - It is election season all around. Here are the nominations for the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild 2021:
- President: Brooke Stambersky
- VP: Rita Sassone
- Treasurer: Cindy Lange
- Secretary: Emily Pitman and Dana Blasi
- Membership: Jill Erickson
- Block of the month:
- Facilities:
- Outside Speaker: Dagmar Theodore
- Philanthropy: Faye Jones
- Holiday Luncheon: Dana Blasi
- Retreat: Sandy Helsel
- Sew-in days: Sandy Helsel
- Library: Darleen Sanford
We will be voting during the meeting on Saturday!
Mystery Holiday Elf Swap: In keeping with social distancing, in lieu of our annual Holiday Auction Luncheon there will be a Mystery Holiday Elf Swap for which we will secretly make items to swap. Sign up/register for swapping handmade items by emailing Faye Jones (birdie1345<at>aol<dot>com), briefly identifying your preference for a religious, secular (e.g., HO HO HO, reindeer, etc.), traditional or modern item so that you can get something you will want and can use.
Reach out: Have you found yourself wondering about someone you used to see at in-person meetings? Take a minute to email or call someone to say hi and invite them to the meeting this weekend.
Our Zoom Meeting Login information:
MQG Guilds is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Greenville MQG monthly meeting
Time: Nov 7, 2020 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 0121 4013
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