Saturday, July 3, 2021

Carolina Cut-Ups Quilting Bee

 -  For your information  -

Sandy Helsel has reminded us of a sew-in group named Carolina Cut-ups Quilting Bee that we are all welcome to attend for the nominal fee of $1.00.  It meets on the First Wednesday of each month (next one July 7th) starting at 9:30 a.m. & ending around 12:30 p.m.  Many members drift in and out during these hours.  Some get together and go out to lunch.

It is located at:

Taylors First Baptist Church
200 West Main Street
Taylors, SC 29687

We meet in their Rec Center/Activity Dept., which is in the back of the church and looks like this:

Parking is in the lot you see on the right side of this picture with the entrance in the middle of the picture between the columns.


When you walk in the door, to the left it looks like this, and there is a reception desk on the right.  You do not check in but just continue walking down that hallway on the right:

The classroom where they meet is on your right and looks like this:

The money collected goes towards Taylors FBC Single Moms Oil Change Ministry.  For more information, please contact Sandy Helsel (see your Directory).


1 comment:

  1. Great idea Sandy. This should work perfectly and a great opportunity to meet new quilting friends. Thanks- Faye
