Monday, May 29, 2023

June 2023 GMQG Meeting

 Date: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023

Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Location: St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 1021 Hudson Rd, Greenville SC. In the single-story building
behind the main chapel.

Please bring any of the following to the guild meeting: laptops, computer chargers, rulers of any size, and extension cords. If you do not have these items, you can still participate! If you have anything else that you think will assist you in designing, please bring these items as well!

Agenda for Meeting:

President Ava Moore Welcome and Comments

Vice Presidents Anita Wilbur, Barbara Stroup, Amanda Stegen July Meeting Update

Treasurer Darleen Sanford

Secretary Dawn Holter Photo reminder for Show and Share

Membership Jill Erickson -- Welcome Guests and New Members

Philanthropy Duski Coleman and Cindy Lange

Social Media Dagmar Theodore

Results from Survey

Show and Share


Program: Have you ever opened the Modern Quilt Guild website only to get your discounted QuiltCon
tickets? Are you a MQG website expert? Did you know you can sign up for challenges or download an
endless amount of resources for FREE on the Modern Quilt Guild website?

This month, programs invites everyone to participate in a website overview and design challenge. After a
brief rundown, members will collaborate in teams of 4 to create a pattern/design for the QuiltCon
Outreach quilt.

Then members will vote to select the winning design, which will become the pattern for the 2024 QuiltCon
Outreach Quilt. Winners will NOT leave empty handed. ;)

We ask members to bring laptops, computer chargers, rulers of any size, and extension cords. If you do not have these items, you can still participate! If you have anything else that you think will assist you in designing, please bring these items as well! May the best design win!

If you have an interest in helping with the Outreach Quilt for QuiltCon 2024 or the guild outreach, please
let me know!!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Highlights from the May 6, 2023 Meeting

Upon entering the meeting hall, Anita passed out guild lanyards and Jill passed out name tags.

Our President Ava Moore called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m.

Ava recognized individuals for their help with QuiltFest:
• Amanda contacted “white glove” individuals and those that helped with the booth
• Ava thanked Marilyn with a show pin as Marilyn organized Landrum Quilters to “white glove” on our behalf and got additional help
• Ava thanked Duski as she was working another booth and came and helped at our booth

The MQG challenge reveal will be at our July meeting. As a reminder work on something you learned at QuiltCon; a technique that’s new/different to you; something to increase your skills.

Try out something fun; different background or possibly different stitching. MAKE IT FUN.

Jill informed us we are currently at 61 members. Sey B, Meg L, and Sherri E joined today and we had 2 guests: Janice and Alexis.

Jill also shared/read a thank you note from the Nurse Practitioner Team (one of the philanthropy groups that was here last month to present).

Cindy commented on the two philanthropy groups and quilts needed: Mothers and babies up to two years of age and Victims of sexual & physical abuse. Cindy presented the quilt that was completed from the squares completed in last month’s quilt along, along with a tummy time quilt.

Cindy explained tummy time quilts should be under 40” square. Quilts for teenagers should be larger. Geo shapes are great ideas for teen quilts.

Dagmar is working on updating social media. Members can join the GMQG members only Facebook page, as well as the public GMQG Facebook page.

Anita – Programs VP – shared that the EQ8 class w/Cheryl Brickey is $50 per person on Aug 12.

• June program – Amanda will be presenting everything MQ website offers
• Brainstorming design for next charity quilt. 

At meeting end we will vote on which design to make.

The requirements for the charity quilt are as follows:
o October register your design
o November send in pictures of your project
o December turn in your completed project

Duski shared that one of our members works with Tabernacle to teach children how to quilt. Anyone have an extra sewing machine to donate?

Ava shared that she is looking for volunteers to spearhead next year’s QuiltCon charity quilt. This individual will take the winner from the June meeting design and run with organizing the for the group sew and spearhead the October sew-in.

We also could use help with Outreach.

Ava plans out sending out a survey via Survey Monkey (totally anonymous). Ava has only been here two years and wants a sense of what we’re interested in and would like feedback.

September meeting changed to the 2nd Saturday in September (September 9) due to Labor Day; July meeting is NOT changing. It remains at July 1st.

One more thank you for QuiltFest – Laura – came in and brought quilts for the booth at the last minute!

Show and Share:

Philanthropy – There were 4 charity quilts donated in our current meeting.


Ergonomics for Sewing and Quilting

Presenter – Linda Russo, Asheville Quilt Guild, retired physical therapist

The ergonomics is not just pertaining to sewing; efficient productivity to reduce discomfort.
4 Factors to consider:
    - Workspace
    - Tools
    - Techniques
    - You
Here are some take-aways from the discussion:

    - Anytime posture bad; raise your breast bone (constantly re-adjust whether sitting or standing)
    - Workplace triangle – cutting, sewing, ironing (ideally 3-4 ft between)
    - Don’t sit more than 30 minutes
    - Change position based on what you’re doing
    - Eyes forward; chin slightly tucked; shoulders back; forearms on table
    - Reader glasses as opposed to progressive
    - Have sewing peddle directly under your needle
    - Consider tilting your machine; doorstop to tilt machine
    - Raise your other foot to equal the one on the peddle
        • Neez Ez – foot pedal holder
    - Hips should be higher than knees
    - Cushioned mats (squishy pads) @ ironing board and cutting table
    - Need to wear shoes (shock absorb) for ironing & cutting

Some tools to have on hand:
    - Eyebrow razor
    - Awl for stiletto

Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 3, 2023.


Dawn Holter, Secretary

Note from Linda Russo: What can you do to improve your sewing ergonomics?
What can you change…change your space, tools or change your techniques?

Sewing Machine

Proper height chair, table. Raise or lower to get 90 degree angles at hips, knees, ankles. Use a seat cushion, back support, pillow, chair with back support.

Drop-in table promotes the best position, machine sitting on dining room table is usually too high. Angle the machine using door stops behind the machine so it leans towards you.

Lighting is important to avoid eye strain and can improve positioning. Classes-retreats – stack chairs, sit on pillow


Stand on cushioned mat, use appropriate height iron table, use table risers, adjustable table (Martelli, IKEA, Harbor Tool)

Rulers – non-slip surface, suction grip, Quilters Select, Creative Grids, lip-edge rulers, which color lines can you see the best?

Rotary cutters – different grips, weighted rotary cutters, Martelli cutters. What is best for you? Alternates – Accuquilt, cutting machines, use pre-cuts and kits to decrease amount of cutting 

Stand on cushioned mat, wear supportive shoes, adjust ironing board height.

What type iron works best for you? Oliso iron, or use silicone mat to decrease arm movement. 
Iron weight, style? If ironing seated at your sewing machine, you still need to move!

Hand Sewing

Use good lighting, sit with good positioning—head and neck position. 
What style hoop or stand works best? Use magnifier, thimble, gloves, splints? What needle can you handle without hand pain?


What can you do to improve positions? Stand or sit? Use silicone mat at a seated machine so quilt moves smoothly. You don’t want to be wrestling the quilt!

Overall tips---

Move! Alternate activities and positions. Take breaks to stretch, get a drink of water…don’t forget to get a good protein snack and drink fluids. Movement promotes blood flow which will help prevent an injury. Listen to music, podcast, etc. Move every 20 minutes, move for 2 minutes. MOVE!





Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May Meeting is Almost Here!

Date: Saturday, May 6th, 2023

Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 1021 Hudson Rd, Greenville SC. In the single-story building
behind the main chapel.

A big thank you to all that came down to QuiltFest and either volunteered for the booth or the White Glove

Agenda for Meeting:

President Ava Moore – Welcome and Comments

Vice Presidents Anita Wilbur, Barbara Stroup, Amanda Stegen – June Meeting Update 

Treasurer Darleen Sanford – Budget Update

Secretary Dawn Holter – Photo reminder for Show and Share

Membership Jill Erickson -- Welcome Guests and New Members

Philanthropy Duski Coleman and Cindy Lange

Social Media Dagmar Theodore

Additional Committees: Outreach, Quilt for QuiltCon 2024, Update Webpage

Survey Monkey to come out soon.

Show and Share


Program: The May program is all about ergonomics and keeping our bodies healthy while we sew.
There will be Linda Russo, PT coming to join us and share.